Three Ways To Simplify Your Divorce Process And Get Out Sooner

Going through a divorce is hard. Chances are, you just want the whole process to be over so you can get on with your life and start over. It's up to you (and your soon-to-be-ex) to make that happen. By doing these three things, you can simplify your divorce process and ensure it progresses more quickly.

File a no-fault divorce.

There are two basic types of divorces: fault and no-fault divorces. When you file a fault divorce, one spouse is requesting a divorce due to some fault of the other spouse. The problem with a fault divorce is that it takes a long time to progress since there needs to be a trial to determine if the spouse is or is not guilty of the specified "fault." Filing a no-fault divorce is different. When you file this type of divorce, the two of you are basically agreeing that it's just over -- it does not matter who wronged who, you just agree that the marriage will end. There will be no trial in a no-fault case, so the process of filing one is much faster.

If you want you divorce to be over quickly, your best bet is just to let go of any "whose fault is it?" arguments and agree to file a no-fault divorce. All states now recognize this type of divorce. Your lawyer can fill you in on the intricacies of filing one in your particular state.

Just sell the house rather than fighting over it.

So many divorces are drawn out endlessly because the couple cannot agree on who will stay in the house and who will move. There's a quick way to put an end to this. Just sell the house and split the profits. You'll both lose a little -- you will both have to find a new place to live. But, you'll both win a little, too -- the divorce will progress more quickly. Plus, neither of you will resent the other because they got to keep the house. This might make it easier to maintain an amicable relationship going forward.

Let your lawyers do the negotiation.

Your lawyer's jobs are to negotiate. When you sidestep your lawyer and call your soon-to-be-ex in an attempt to negotiate outside of the lawyer's office, you're making it harder for your lawyers to do their jobs -- and delaying the divorce process. All negotiations between you and your spouse should occur in your lawyer's office. If you are unhappy with something that is being agreed upon, bring it up to your lawyer -- not to your spouse. In doing this, you're essentially cutting out the "middle man" and expediting the negotiation process.

For more information, contact Blumenauer Hackworth or a similar firm.
