3 Things You Should And Shouldn'T Say To Your Divorce Attorney

When you initially meet with a divorce attorney you might be wondering what you should and shouldn't tell them. It can be hard to know how much you should divulge and what sort of things are not pertinent to the case. Here are some helpful tips for knowing what you should and shouldn't talk about with your attorney.

1. Disclose Any Infidelity Or Extra-Martial Relationships

It is very important that you are honest with your attorney about any affairs or extra-marital relationships you or your spouse may have had. Infidelity is still considered a violation of the marriage in most states, which means that if one partner was not faithful in the marriage that the other could be responsible for paying more in alimony.

Even if you were the one at fault, your attorney needs to know the details so that they can know how to help you. If they are blindsided by the fact that you were unfaithful they won't be able to help you. This is why it is better to be honest up front.

2. Don't Talk About Emotional Transgressions

Every marriage is going to have its struggles and fights. If you are going through a divorce there is probably a lot of history between the two of you that isn't pretty. However, fights and emotional pain are not pertinent to the divorce. You won't get any more from your divorce settlement by sharing fights that you had and ways you were wronged. Instead, you will waste the attorney's time, time that you will be paying for. So to save yourself money and to keep the divorce professional, you should avoid sharing personal information about your spouse and your differences.

3. Don't Hide Assets or Property

When you go through a divorce the entire estate will need to be assessed. Some people have separate bank accounts, property and assets, which even their spouse may not know about. However, in the divorce it is important that you at least tell your attorney about all of these things. It is unlikely that your property will go undetected throughout the whole divorce process and if the judge learns that you were dishonest about your property then you could be in big trouble.

By telling your attorney about your property they can help you know how to better protect yourself and make sure you keep what you deserve.

These are just a couple things you need to know about what you should and shouldn't disclose to your divorce attorney, such as Margit M. Hicks, PA Attorney at Law.
